Friday, June 20, 2008

Just attempting to survive through work this week so i can get the huge reward of business air travel next week---aarrgh! I look forward to traveling by air like i look forward to attending a hillbilly wedding...lots and lots of shuddering involved---in fact the majority of aircraft occupants appear to me as if they are likely in route to a fellow hillbilly's wedding. Don't worry I'm not going to rant yet...but without a doubt i will when i get back..just giving you fair warning. To display the true duality of life however this entry is all about HOPE...this hope does not include next week's air travel, that industry is completely without hope---but the below material has brought me hope--a unique experience lately...
I'm ecstatic--there's water on Mars and i could say alot about water=life blahblahblah...and i could discuss how magnificent is the completion of 40 years, two generations of science and engineering work... but if you do not realize, or do not care How important finding water on Mars is go to another blog, go there now! There is hope for life elsewhere---tremendous!

I admit that i do think that the higher pricing of gasoline is in many ways good for our society....put down the pitchfork and think for a minute...the below links to articles on how we are driving less than last year it is not huge but still culturally significant.
A subsurface thought pattern change for the American Public....the cost of gasoline has finally turned our culture's attention to important subjects that have been ignored due to cannibalistic, republican, capitalist other words the bush cartel's mantra of ----consume mindlessly---believe only me ---and therefore be a good American... may be over....are we starting to think again after 8 years of fear based brainless reaction to any and everything?---are you done being whipped into a frenzy by this, so called, leadership?---the culture is now thinking about conservation, thinking about how to build a quality lifestyle within guidelines, thinking about saving rather than random destruction...i am at last hopeful... it took the shock of the fall of the housing market, the rise in the price of gasoline and Iraq to stop our society being a republican led fear based, consumption mob. The graph displayed shows a possible new pattern---my personal rants against suburban McMansions is apparently not a voice in the wilderness any longer...Americans are planning/building smaller homes according to a report by American architects--Americans are thinking about smaller, greener, higher quality homes designed to actually be lived in compared to the previous demands for insecure Lawyer style, huge homes far from services...another small step in the right direction...again i am hopeful.

It is astounding to me the way people seem to react badly to segways---although they reacted badly to my prius 16 months ago as well, the stupid react badly naturally i suppose---this too may be changing---popular mechanics ran an article on how the Segway Human Transporters time has come...
The wall street journal has suddenly discovered the human transporter and now thinks well of it apparently... without a doubt it is my Karma to suffer slings and arrows, due to my habit of thinking a year ahead and incorporating appropriate technology into our segway i2 is due in 07-15 and i can barely wait...i don't give a shit what people think or say but the title sums it all up "laugh while you can monkey boy!" electric transport sets one free from the dick cheney's of the world---go ahead and be a slave thinking you are the cool one...I ordered my Human Transporter because it is the only affordable, viable electric vehicle on the market RIGHT NOW---- not some corporate scam offering a better future from GM or some other car company---I do bristle since the brainless do not understand Dean Karman's futuristic goals for his invention...his desire to make the world a better hear the concept behind the invention of the segway ht direct from the inventor go here an play this video of a presentation he made at TED.
Listen to this man and if he does not touch you, no one can help you. I am hopeful however. Besides what's good enough for Jackie Chan, is good enough for me...

A seed of hope expands alittle when i read that the stupidity of the Conservative wing of our culture who refuses to think of legalization as it relates to Marijuana is down to 20% of the whole...
within my hope there is the spark of reason advising that someday while i still live intelligence may reign on this issue...i am lucky to live in a state where personal possession of under an ounce gets you a ticket, and a $35.00 fine----just wait till i goal---Froley in the movie Children of Men----which brings me to this article...

As a close two items to simply enjoy and think on...the latest discovered crop circle measurement works out perfectly to Pi..marvelous! I don't care who did this---the pattern alone is beautiful--but to mathematically equal out to Pi--wondrous! another beautiful little item advises that an English Police helicopter chased a UFO over the city of Cardif until it it.
a great place to shop is the Unemployed Philosophers Guild--worth buying something just to get a package with their name on it

I'm so glad to realize that i have not actually lost hope---it felt like i did for quite a long time--and almost lost myself to despair....this week i worked hard at retuning my brain to the hope channel. Think for yourself, do good things, be less dependent on others, own your money and don't give it to anything remotely republican.Above all else VOTE this November...and have hope.

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